For Sneefee/Lesnee

Hi Sneefee or Lesnee,

I’m admin of Sneeland (fans’ backup version) website.After you left TMNT and deleted accounts, I made this site to exhibit your works I collected. Since I can not contact you for permission, please email to if you don’t want this site to exhibit your works.

Actually, in 2012 I touched your BNB for the first time and I loved it immediately. At that time, I was confused about my gay identity as a middle school student and I was afraid that my families and friends wouldn’t accept me, though I was a freak. So I could only hide my emotion even though I loved some boys.

Through your BNB comic, I learned that I’m not the only gay person in the world and there are many people who accept and tolerate LGBTQ+ just like Splinter in BNB. And I took courage to show my identity to my friends, which let me made many true friends. It really changed my life and made me decide to find a free country for LGBTQ+ to live. I’m working on it.

Anyway, thank you Sneefee/Lesnee! I really hope you can continue creating amazing works, but I also respect your decision. Hope you can protect yourself during COVID-19.

Best wish,
