
Who is Sneefee?

Sneefee is an artist who has drawn TMNT comics and illustrations since 2007. In 2017, he/she quited and deleted most of accounts and websites. In the past 10 years, he/she has produced many high-quality cartoons for us. The most famous is “Black and Blue”.

Where these archive come from?

The source of this archive data is Sneefee’s personal website (http://www.sneefee.com). The website was shut down in 2017 and the archive comes from a backup of the site by fans before the shutdown. You can still query some website records from Waybackmachine.

And some archives are from social network.

If you have any archives we don’t collect, please eamil to backblackto0#gmail.com so that we can add to the website.

Get archive package

Sorry, since the website supports online viewing, we no longer provide download services.


This project was from Mar 20, 2020. Our aim is to provide high-resolution uncompressed images. It is initiated and established by enthusiasts, and all services are located on free hosting websites. Thanks to Github, Twitter, and Telegram for their free services. This project is a non-profit project without any expenditure. An email to Sneefee from admin.


The copyright of all works in this project belongs to the author “Snee” & “Sneefee”. No one is allowed to use any commercial purpose without his/her permission. This item is for fans’ collection only.

Since Snee deleted his/her accounts and works in 2017, the project sponsor cannot contact him/her. If this project infringes anyone’s rights, please contact by email backblackto0#gmail.com.